Speech Therapy for Autism – Where to start?

speech therapy for autism

Do you have a child on the autism spectrum?

Has your child recently been diagnosed, or are you in the process of seeking a diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? It can be an overwhelming time as a person or parent trying to navigate diagnoses, treatment, the NDIS, and finding the right practitioner. Therapy Connect has been Australia’s leading online therapy provider for almost 7 years, connecting the right therapist to the right client, ensuring high-quality, personalised client-centred healthcare, regardless of location.

Speech therapy is an effective way to assist an autistic child in building communication skills and empower them to live their best life. We understand how overwhelming this process can be and we support you in taking the first steps with an initial Client Services Planning (CSP) session with one of our Senior practitioners. Together with you, they will assess the client’s needs and goals, identify the right therapist from our team of 70+ practitioners, and create a personalised CSP that can be delivered anywhere and anytime through online therapy.

Book your speech therapist at Therapy Connect today.

Therapy Connect: Autism Spectrum Disorder

When a child is diagnosed with autism, speech therapy can be recommended to help with communication. Finding a highly-skilled and experienced speech pathologist to help your child is essential.

Therapy Connect delivers personalised programs based on the individual needs and goals of your child. Our programs are evidence-based, backed by university research and they are designed specifically for online (telehealth) service delivery. You can count on our dedicated and thoroughly trained speech therapists.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist your child. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about our services.

Signs of Speech Difficulties in Children with Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability marked by substantial social, communication, and behavioural challenges. Many autistic children struggle with back-and-forth conversations because it can be difficult to understand the nature of the interaction. They may also have difficulty understanding or using gestures. A speech therapist can help children with autism to learn to understand body language and facial expressions better.

Speech therapy can improve both verbal and non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication can include using gestures, body language, or expressions to convey our message. Non-verbal communication is often more effective than words alone, as it can help to express emotions or intentions that might be difficult to put into words. In some cases, nonverbal communication may be the only way to communicate, so it’s important to be aware of the different ways we can do this.

The following verbal abilities could be addressed in speech therapy:

  • Naming things or persons correctly.
  • Describing emotions or feelings.
  • Using and understanding language and sentences more skillfully.
  • Enhancing speech rhythm.

The following nonverbal communication abilities are addressed in speech therapy:

  • Using and understanding sign language or hand motions.
  • Using and understanding visual language to convey (Picture Exchange Communication System).
  • Social abilities include eye contact and keeping a safe distance from another individual.

Please get in touch with us today to learn more.

Here are 4 benefits of Speech Therapy for children with autism

1. Learn how to easily express their needs and desires.

By enhancing verbal and nonverbal communication, we teach children how to express their needs, opinions, and thoughts quickly and calmly. Teaching social skills to children with ASD is an important skill for developing relationships.

2. Learn to recognise and better process the words spoken.

Speech therapy can help give children with autism the skills to comprehend and interpret verbal and non-verbal cues from others. They will also better understand facial emotions and body language indicators. With speech therapy, a child with autism can learn to initiate communication on their own.

3. Learn how to make friends.

Some children may have specific interests and find it difficult to discuss topics outside of their own interests. Through speech therapy, people with autism can learn how to interact with other children, allowing them to play and form friendships.

4. Learn how to figure out the intent of a conversation.

This is a useful skill to have in both social and professional settings. By understanding the intent of a conversation, you can better respond to what is being said and keep the conversation flowing smoothly. Speech therapy will teach your child how to weigh up and determine the motivation and goal behind discussions.

How many sessions of Speech Therapy should my child need?

The amount of speech therapy your child needs will depend on their individual needs and capabilities. These include the severity of the condition, the age of your child, and their response to therapy. Some children may need multiple sessions per week, while others may only need a few sessions in total.  Your Therapy Connect speech therapist will design a program based on the individual needs and goals of your child to achieve the desired outcomes.

When is the best time to start speech therapy for autism?

There is no one answer to this question, as the best time to start speech therapy for autism will vary depending on the individual child’s needs. However, many experts believe that earlier is better when it comes to starting therapy, as this can help the child develop important communication skills.

What do you stand to gain from Speech Therapy Services?

  • Therapists specialising in speech and language disorders will teach your child how to speak more effectively.
  • Speech therapists will assess the best approaches to improve your child’s communication and quality of life.
  • Throughout the speech therapy process, the specialist will collaborate closely with the family to ensure the best outcomes.
  • If a child with autism is having difficulty speaking, therapy can help them develop alternative ways to communicate.
  • Therapy will help improve communication skills in children with autism.
  • It will also improve a child’s ability to discuss ideas with others.
  • When playing and interacting with classmates, children can communicate in ways that aid in developing relationships.

You can request a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable therapists, and they will work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan for your child.

Why is Therapy Connect Australia’s leading therapy provider?

Therapy Connect is Australia’s leading online NDIS allied health provider, having delivered online therapies to remote and regional client’s since 2015. With almost 7+ years experience, we’re dedicated to delivering faster and easier access to highly qualified and experienced therapists across the country.

We match our therapists to the individual needs and goals of our clients, to ensure we get better outcomes. Our services include occupational and speech therapy, dietetics, physiotherapy and psychology. While we have a strong focus on working with children and adolescents with autism and developmental delays, our clients include NDIS participants of all ages. Our programs are evidence-based, personalised and specifically designed for online (telehealth) service delivery.

Here are a few tips for enhancing your child’s conversational and interaction skills

  • Encourage your child to talk to you about their hobbies while showing sincere interest in what they have to say.
  • Use your body language, gestures, and facial emotions to communicate with them.
  • Engage more in question-and-answer conversations.
  • Show your child the conduct you want them to exhibit.
  • Be sincere to them.

Final Thoughts

Speech therapy for autism can boost the child’s communication abilities. It plays a significant role in helping an autistic child learn to speak and interact with others. Speech-language therapy targets language and communication issues. It can assist children with autism in improving their verbal, non-verbal, and social communication skills. The primary purpose is to help the individual in communicating in more helpful and effective ways.

Therapy Connect provides the most trusted and reliable speech therapy service. 

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Therapy Connect delivers faster and easier access to highly qualified and experienced therapists across the country – not just the ones in your postcode.


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